Category: anxiety

6 Valuable Things You Should Know About the Empath

6 Valuable Things You Should Know About the Empath

The empath is a sweet and emotional creature. I bet you’ve felt sorry for them many times. Here’s something you might not have thought of before. You know how empaths have such an intimate connection with their feelings and emotions? Well, there’s another ability that makes the empath valuable, and make you think twice about […]

The Spiritual Meaning of Anxiety and Depression Disorders

The Spiritual Meaning of Anxiety and Depression Disorders

I’m only truly awakened by the spiritual meaning of anxiety and depression. It’s the depth of this tragedy and the method of this madness that ultimately soothes me. Sometimes I find myself lost in a haze, a faded version of reality. I feel high, stoned and inebriated when I am cold sober. Here, in this […]

What Is Soul Retrieval and How It Can Help You Heal Anxiety, Depression and Emotional Trauma

What Is Soul Retrieval and How It Can Help You Heal Anxiety, Depression and Emotional Trauma

When our bodies are in pain, we can lose consciousness. When the mind is traumatized, we sometimes experience soul loss and require a soul retrieval. What is Soul Loss? Soul loss can happen whenever we have a psychological or emotional experience that we can’t cope with. The psyche has a protective system, which enables it to […]

5 Science-Backed Benefits of Meditation

5 Science-Backed Benefits of Meditation

Man levitating

“If a person’s basic state of mind is serene and calm, then it is possible for this inner peace to overwhelm a painful physical experience.” ~The Dalai Lama

When I finished graduate school I was a bright-eyed engineer with a …

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How High Expectations Can Lead to Disappointment, Depression, and Anxiety

How High Expectations Can Lead to Disappointment, Depression, and Anxiety

“Blessed is he who expects nothing, for he shall never be disappointed.” ~Alexander Pope

I was sitting on the couch in my bedroom, at sunset, looking at the trees outside my window. I felt a profound sadness, frustration, disappointment, and …

The post How High Expectations Can Lead to Disappointment, Depression, and Anxiety appeared first on Tiny Buddha.

Do noothing today. Heres why

Do Nothing Today, Here’s Why

Most of us live incredibly cluttered and fast-paced lives, driven by the need to be productive, accomplished, and forever moving forward. What would happen, though, if we decided to take a time-out? Many of us get anxiety just thinking about it – the prospect of falling behind, slowing down, or even failing. However, taking a break might, in actuality, help you to come back stronger and sharper than ever before. Alan Cohen once said “There is virtue in work and there is virtue in rest. Use both and overlook neither.” Most of us can accept the wisdom in these words,

The post Do Nothing Today, Here’s Why appeared first on I Heart Intelligence.

How to Instantly Calm Yourself in Stressful Situations

How to Instantly Calm Yourself in Stressful Situations

“Between stimulus and response, there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom.” ~Victor Frankl

There’s a big lie we tell ourselves during stressful times.

It …

The post How to Instantly Calm Yourself in Stressful Situations appeared first on Tiny Buddha.

People with anxiety seem to need more personal space, even more so than everybody else.

People with Anxiety Need More Personal Space Than Everybody Else, Studies Show

People with anxiety seem to need more personal space, even more so than everybody else. Do you have anxiety? Well, you may have noticed that you need lots of personal space. Let me approach this with an example of what your personal space is and represents with your safety. For example, personal space is sometimes […]