Category: Psychology

5 Ways to Manage Your Anger

5 Ways to Manage Your Anger

Often, on social occasions when you have to face people with contradictory beliefs to yours, the most demanding part of communication is to manage the anger that these occasions may cause, and move through it in order to have a productive discussion. The Mayo Clinic, who deals with such issues, explains the necessity of anger […]

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Some Brutally Honest Things Women Turning 40 Want All Women In Their 30s To Know

Turning 40 in less than a month. Forty is a very important age for most people, as, growing up, we tend to think of forty as the age until which we will have settled. A forty year old woman, reaching the scary age, thought of all the things she would have wanted someone to tell […]

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5 Science-Backed Ways to Deal with Depression Using the Power of Nature

5 Science-Backed Ways to Deal with Depression Using the Power of Nature

Mental illness may seem like a weakness to some, but those who have to deal with depression will understand the distress behind it. These blue periods are devastating, to say the least. The good news is that it’s manageable. Furthermore, you may feel relieved knowing that you can deal with depression by tapping on nature. […]

6 Valuable Things You Should Know About the Empath

6 Valuable Things You Should Know About the Empath

The empath is a sweet and emotional creature. I bet you’ve felt sorry for them many times. Here’s something you might not have thought of before. You know how empaths have such an intimate connection with their feelings and emotions? Well, there’s another ability that makes the empath valuable, and make you think twice about […]

Why Intelligent People Fail to Be Happy

Why Intelligent People Fail to Be Happy

People with a high IQ may have more success in typical terms in life: better jobs, education, and a social circle. Yet, it is a fact that it is harder to intelligent people to experience happiness. Why does this happen? First, intelligent people have a cruel tendency to overanalyze every aspect of their lives. They […]

Have you ever felt that your psychological age may exceed your chronological age?

10 Signs That Your Psychological Age Is Greater Than Your Chronological Age

Have you ever felt that your psychological age may exceed your chronological age? People are often drawn to those who seem ‘wise beyond their years.’ There is something majestic about old souls who were seemingly born with a wealth of life experience. It’s normal to turn to such people for advice or solace, believing they […]

Traits of a strong mom

8 True Traits of a Strong Mom

We’re not talking “Tiger Mom” here, where intense focus is directed at excellence in child performance. Rather, what signs indicate maternal prowess that is, simply put, strong? Buy an “Intelligence is sexy” t-shirt! I confess to bias.  I think  more often than not, “strong Mom” or “strong woman” is, well,  redundant. Still, I’m curious to discover common behaviors that inform parenting rich with core values. Some maternal influence that cultivates character. So let’s call them  instead, “ mindful Moms”,  present,  far from perfect,  compelled by Mama Love. 1. Mindful Moms have confidence in themselves, and naturally encourage the unique individual within

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3 steps to form a new habit

3 Steps to Form a New Habit

Despite how hard won some personal habits feel, it can be surprisingly easy to acquire new ones. First, let’s define “habit” as a behavior pattern established by frequent repetition that shows up regularly and, often, involuntarily.  We all have them, the mindless glance at a smartphone when it alerts, or turning on TV right after supper, habits we’d like to change. Buy an “Intelligence is sexy” t-shirt!    So, let’s dissect a habit. There are 3 components:  1-a “cue”, or trigger that tells your brain to go into autopilot and engage the behavior; 2– a “routine” which is the behavior

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6 Ways Heartache Pain and Loss Can Make You Better

6 Ways Heartache Pain and Loss Can Make You Better

Not long ago my Mom passed.  Unexpectedly, 2 short weeks later,  my younger brother joined her.  Bereft,  I was suddenly adrift, my moorings gone.  How to belong in a world with mother and brother sized holes?  Sleepless, I walked, and walked. Or, crashed for 8, 10, 12 hours. Grief morphed into guilt, anger, cynicism, bewilderment. Socially inept, I lay low.  In my brother’s flannel shirt, I curled under Mom’s soft brown throw and convulsed with tears.  Each salt trail marked a sacred path, a new road named “Goodbye.” Buy an “Intelligence is sexy” t-shirt! I moved furniture, rearranged with neurotic

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