Tagged: live

3 steps to form a new habit

3 Steps to Form a New Habit

Despite how hard won some personal habits feel, it can be surprisingly easy to acquire new ones. First, let’s define “habit” as a behavior pattern established by frequent repetition that shows up regularly and, often, involuntarily.  We all have them, the mindless glance at a smartphone when it alerts, or turning on TV right after supper, habits we’d like to change. Buy an “Intelligence is sexy” t-shirt!    So, let’s dissect a habit. There are 3 components:  1-a “cue”, or trigger that tells your brain to go into autopilot and engage the behavior; 2– a “routine” which is the behavior

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Do noothing today. Heres why

Do Nothing Today, Here’s Why

Most of us live incredibly cluttered and fast-paced lives, driven by the need to be productive, accomplished, and forever moving forward. What would happen, though, if we decided to take a time-out? Many of us get anxiety just thinking about it – the prospect of falling behind, slowing down, or even failing. However, taking a break might, in actuality, help you to come back stronger and sharper than ever before. Alan Cohen once said “There is virtue in work and there is virtue in rest. Use both and overlook neither.” Most of us can accept the wisdom in these words,

The post Do Nothing Today, Here’s Why appeared first on I Heart Intelligence.