Protection from Negative Energies

We all have times in our lives when we tend to attract negative energies into our life and I wanted to share a few of the things that I have found helpful to help with spiritual protection from negative energies.

Invite Angels and other Spiritual Beings into Your Life by Offering a Simple Prayer

Many spiritual traditions have taught us how to talk with angels and those in the angelic realm and spiritual realm and invite them into our lives. Sometimes we need a little reminder that the angels and those in the spiritual realm are always with us and available to help us, if we just ask for their assistance. When I pray to angels, saints and other spiritual icons, I invite them into my life and ask them to intercede and help me in my life. When I was younger, I was always concerned that I might attract a negative spiritual being, so when I invite them into my life, I say something like this.

“Dearest angels and beings of light. I know that you are with me and watching over me, and that you cannot help me unless I ask for your assistance. I would like to invite all of you spiritual beings of light into my life to assist me with (fill in your specific petition or need). Thank you.”

Make sure that you reference beings of light, whether it be angels of light, saints of light, or other spiritual beings or spiritual beings of light. By inviting only those of light into your life, you are precluding those that might be of a negative vibration or energy and they cannot harm you.

Encircle Yourself in White Light

One of my very favorite things to do is to encircle myself in white light. I usually do this in the morning upon awakening as a form of protection from the negative energies of the day, while I do a few other spiritual disciplines to help me start my day on a positive vibration and with a good attitude. Encircling yourself with white light is also a very simple process. Simply envision a circle of white light around you as a form of protection from the negative influences of the day. When I feel my shield falling, or a need to envision myself in white light again throughout the day, I do this same process for protection. Sometimes I may do it several times each day, as needed.

Minding Our Thoughts

Most of do our best to mind our thoughts every day. The simple practice of minding our thoughts, not giving energy to the negative things in our lives and focusing on the positive and good in our lives is a very powerful practice. If you have not been doing this, simply replacing negative thoughts with positive thoughts is all that is needed. For instance, if the original thought is “I feel overwhelmed because I have too much to do” replace that thought with “I always get things done quickly and easily”. A simple shift in our awareness will help us to create the positive perspective and our subconscious mind will always help us attract whatever our thoughts happen to be into our lives.

The Spiritual Properties of Gems and Stones

Another of my favorite things to do is to wear gems or stones throughout the day. The power of gems and stones could be an article in itself, so I would like to just touch briefly on gems and stones. Throughout the ages, stones and gems have been understood to have energies of their own and to help others heal themselves and different areas of their lives. If you are attracted to a stone, that stone has properties that will be helpful to you in your healing and life. It is important to pay attention to what you are attracted to. Sometimes when I am feeling a little out of balance, I find that it is because I have not been wearing jewelry made of stones or gems. And if you do not have much money, you can simply purchase a small piece of whatever you are attracted to and put it in your pocket or purse. The benefit is the same.


I am sure many of you become tired of me talking about meditation. However, meditation is in itself healing and will always help you when you are in a negative place and have concerns about attracting negative things and negative energies into your life. Just a few minutes daily is helpful, although a longer time frame is always better. 20 minutes at least once and preferably twice daily is suggested.

The Spiritual Energies of Love and Gratitude

Love and gratitude are of the highest vibrations, so when we stay centered in live and gratitude, we will automatically protect ourselves from negative energies around us as one cannot be in a state of a high vibration such as love or gratitude and in a state of anger and fear or anxiety at the same time. By a simple shift in our awareness, we will automatically be protected from the negative influences of the day. Just feel the love, the love for yourself, for a spouse, for a friend or even the world. The feeling of love will always help elevate your vibration so that you attract only goodness into your life.

Gratitude is always a wonderful way for us to elevate our vibration and will always help us to be at an elevated vibration. Again, a simple shift in our awareness will help protect us from negative influences in our life. One of my very favorite things to do is to take a few minutes every morning and evening to remind myself of the good in my life that I would like to be grateful for and to feel the gratitude I have for those things in my life.

These simple things help us to be of a higher vibration and are in themselves protection from so much of the negative influences in our life. I hope that you find these things helpful to you for protection and healing in your life. While there are many other things you can do, these will be very helpful and these are things I do regularly in my own life.

My name is Rhonda Marie Brackett and I am a spiritual life guide, mentor and coach who loves helping others experience inner peace, joy and happiness and heal their life. I hope you find my blog helpful and inspiring in your own life journey. Should you find my blog helpful, please comment, like or share.

You can also visit me at
Source: spiritualnetworks

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