Tagged: spiritual relationship

This is My Story – Past, Present & Future Self

This is My Story – Past, Present, & Future Self

As I reflect on the past years, for the first time ever I’ve found; clarity, love, purpose, and a mission all at one moment in time. Never before has these things converged all in one point, crossing together to form a pathway to a bright future.

This future that is foretold is not yet written in stone. Therein lies the purpose here to: determine, formulate, activate, instil, create, and re-affirm what it is that defines the truth to be. It’s this path that has to be paved, thus starting a chain reaction to the ultimate destination; my future self.

For this stone to be forged, I must remember where I come from! For the past holds the key to the future. What I leave in my wake, is not what defines the ripples ahead, but instead clearly outlines the routes which did not veer me in the direction I should of being going all along. The present ripples can have a major impact on the wake I leave behind. It’s for this reason, I must be aware of what I create, and what I leave behind, since each decision will play a pivotal part in the path ahead.


In order to truly understand where I am going, I must understand, acknowledge, accept, and forgive any past decisions moving forward. Up until now, I’ve lived with a certain unguided purpose. This is to say, that I knew what I wanted, but never really gave it more than just a casual thought, like when someone tends to casually mention their life purpose every time they are engaged in an enlightened conversation. Thus using it as a simple reminder of what their true goals should be, but fail to implement what is necessary to obtain them.

This is where that train of thought stops, and a new one will emerge victorious, since the path ahead will never be the same as it used to. Thus forward, the wake left behind will be constantly filled with precise goals and aspirations without needing any further adjustments along the way. Before now, I would look at the wake behind and wonder what went wrong. What terrible thinking! Moving forward, I will look at the wake and marvel on how it shines in the sunlight.


Since my mind is full of unsuccessful thoughts, the new “me” has to let them go, unlearn what I have learned, to be determined and more focused than ever before.

I will do this by constantly re-adjusting my thoughts, and especially the emotions I let rule my life. For the emotions hold the key to the thoughts themselves. One cannot function without the other, to do so in this fashion is mainly considered insane. To harness my emotions properly is the ultimate goal, for the emotion itself manifests into my future thinking. If I’m sad, I will constantly find thoughts to remind me of that, or I will put on music that gives me the idea that I am sad.

To know this fact about my emotions, is to also help hone them perfectly in sync with the future I wish to have happen. The more I can correct my feelings and emotions through the power of; meditation, affirmations, smiling, soul connections, and happy thinking patterns, then the easier I will be able to shape a future that is very inspiring for generations to come.

Since I am in control over my emotions by watching them very carefully, and adjusting them as I go, I am then a master of my present future. The ripple effect is endless.

This methodology applies for everything in my life. For example, when I work out to get fit, I cannot have a feeling of “this sucks”, “this is too hard”, “hurry up I’m bored!!!!” NO!!! Dammit, this is for my future self, what in the world am I thinking?!? In order for my future self to be happy looking in the mirror, I must be love the actions taken right now within each passing moment, being happy with my actions is what helps to gain what I want later on. I MUST enjoy; working out, food, friendships, relationships, and everything in my life. For what do I say about the wake I leave behind if my future, I look back and see that it was being forged through painful memories? This will not do, from now on my destiny will be full of happy memories of how I got there. Now there’s a life story I would love to read out loud for everyone to hear. My own, my path, and my true self.


Dear future self;

I write to you in the now, in the hopes that you are very happy with the results of your life to date. When you look back at the building blocks I put in place today, it is my wish that what I do today, is to your utmost satisfaction, and that nothing I leave behind shames you in any way. For my goal is to make you happy.

Since this has been a fun journey, let me share with you what I think and dream about when I look into your future. In my note that I have attached with this letter, I play out a memoir if you will, like viewing your life in a storybook, or on a video screen.  I love to play this game, to define the possibility of; what you represent, what you’re like to be around, how you live every waking day, the passion you show in your love life, how you touch other souls around you, and always like to envision the very fabric of what makes me, you.

You’ll notice everything I dream about is written down in great detail. Your health, happiness, love life, life partner, kids, grand-children, pets, and even possessions, which are described in every way possible. I have to tell you that the most fun I have with this game, is by playing out scenes of happiness that includes everything

in your life through daily meditations. I can see joy all around you, smell the fresh air, feel the breeze, and tip my head to sun from our porch every morning. Boy do I love to live out your life each and every day.

It is for this reason that my letter to you, to my future self is detailed with the things you now have in your life. For we are connected through the same vision. It would be my ultimate dream to know that you have also kept this tradition going. For when you read my letter to you, I see you then revising the original, and ultimately writing down your own story of our future self.

Promise me that you will keep this fun tradition going for generations to come. Show your kids how to play this game, have them teach their kids. Ensure the family tradition lives on for more than 100 years. Now that is something spectacular to see, boy I can see it now, and all I can say is “WOW!”

Cheers to you!
Martin R. Lemieux

Blog: http://myspiritualjournals.blogspot.ca/
FB Profile: https://www.facebook.com/martin.lemieux
Spiritual Warrior’s Page: http://fb.com/Spiritual.Warriors.Journal

Human Relationship Paradigm Shift – My Profound Experience!!!

What I’m about to share with you is something so profound, even I’m still trying to figure out how to describe what I; felt, saw, experienced, and what it will do for mankind as we know it. Human experience is everything, aside from experiencing life, human relationships amongst one another is so profound, it will literally shapes who you are, which also shapes who you become as a person later in life, and the choices you make in your existence.

The other night as I sat here, speaking to friends and people online, I had an experience which has ultimately changed the way I looked at human relationships forever, but the kicker is that this experience was literally shared with millions of other people at the very same time.

For the skeptics out there, this is your opportunity to leave and find someone else to bother, since that’s what you do best. Thanks for coming, see you never. Now that I got that out, how about we get into what actually happened…

The Emotional Weight – The Unbearable Truth:

As I sat here, I had just finished helping someone counseling them with their marriage, when it started to hit me. My body started to warm up like a tea kettle, I was dripping with sweat within minutes. No, this wasn’t a panic attack, trust me I know the difference. Every possible human emotion one can have was suddenly filling my heart. The weight of this sensation was so euphoric, I barely have words to describe it. I will do my best to try to detail that moment in time, so that others can understand the changes within all us.

I now realize this rush of emotions was a taste to sample each emotion one at a time, but also, all together at once. This moment I was having was to ensure that if at that point in life, I hadn’t felt one or two of any human emotion available to us, I was going to sense it now and with conviction. Most of the emotions I experienced were very familiar, but some others, well I must say, I had never felt that before. I guess in each of our lifetimes, we as humans get the chance to experience probably around 85/100 of all emotions possible, but there are still those few that elude us. Not because we cannot feel them, but because we haven’t had the chance to be within that situation which triggers it within us.

But for me, in one small moment in life, I had the chance to experience every single thing any person has ever experienced as an emotion. If you’re thinking to yourself, “wow – that would be something”, you’re right it was and trust me when I tell you, it has been increasingly harder to even describe to you what it felt like, as you can just imagine.

The one thing that really caught me as strange is that each emotion I had experienced, it was connected to an emotion with another human being. That one thought changed my perspective about human emotions forever.  I mean when you think about it, our experiences in one given day is beyond this world, we think about 1000’s of thoughts a day, most of which are the same that we entertained from the previous day. But for emotions, these unique life experiences are something else entirely, they’re not only thoughts that comes from the synapse of our mind, but they also affect the body as well. They change the energy around us, and the people connected to us.

Each Emotion You Have, Directly Affects Everyone You Know:

As most of us are all aware of, we are all energy that is inner-connected to one another. What I felt the other night, all of these emotions; I could clearly see how they were affecting everyone I’ve ever known at the same time. Let me say that again, every emotion you experience in this day and that day, is also directly affecting every single person you’ve ever come into contact with; directly, or indirectly in your life.

That one realization is SO profound, the implications of the meaning is very daunting when you think about it. Every time you’re sad, someone you know is also sad for you, they also feel your sadness. Now in our time of evolution, we as humans are only starting to understand that sometimes we can sense how another person is feeling. It’s like a bell in our gut that does off that something is wrong with that person. This gut feeling isn’t an accident. It is showing us, that our connections are so strong; we are affecting everyone we know on a daily basis.

When all those emotions ran through me like a highway full of cars, I saw and sensed every person I know, have ever known, and when I did, I realized they too were feeling the same thing I was. My heart so was heavy, I couldn’t contain the love I felt. I tried to get up, my body was glued still, my hands so heavy, I couldn’t lift them from my keyboard. My head drooped down towards the floor; nothing could stop me from experiencing that moment. My eyes began tearing up, a flow of tears of such intense release was happening without me being able to do a single thing about it. Please understand that I am not a crier by nature. Crying is probably the last thing I would ever admit to anyone in public, but here I am writing about it, because it’s not my right to hold that back from this profound teaching.

Finally after what felt like an eternity, I was able to lift myself up to go to the bathroom, where once again, I couldn’t contain any of the emotions I was feeling. I had to prop myself up against the wall, holding onto a ledge to prevent myself from collapsing. I quickly came back and sat back down on my couch and once again. And once again, all the emotions ran through me like the sea pounding its waves on the shore one after another, over and over again.

This is when I thought to myself, I need to better understand what is truly happening, this moment was given to me for a reason, and If I didn’t use all my training with meditation and connecting with the universe, that it would have been a loss for all of us. This is where the story really get’s interesting.

Building my Archetype Foundation – My Meditative State:

While this experience was going on, I knew that if I was to understand this moment fully, I was going to have to use all my training combined, which ultimately meant with all the strength I could muster, I had to build my meditative archetype foundation. For those of you who don’t what an archetype foundation means, let me explain it a little.

Building your archetype foundation in a meditative state is a concept which was talked about and further explained from the late Carl Jung. Mr. Jung was a man who came up with the concept of the Jungian archetypes – Jung revised and broadened the concept of archetypes even further, conceiving of them as psycho-physical patterns existing in the universe, given specific expression by human consciousness and culture.

I know this might all seem a little too advanced for you, so let me explain this concept a little further in layman’s terms. We all have the ability to connect our spirit to a higher consciousness; we accomplish this by forming the pillars of knowledge of the universe. For me, when I meditate, I envision seven crystal pillars of knowledge. Each pillar is accompanied by an individual in my life that represents one stage of wisdom. Below I’ve outline the 7 pillars.

Archetype Foundation – 7 Pillars of Wisdom: 

(In no particular order)

1 – Seer in Time: Clairvoyant
2 – Poet: Truth Seeker
3 – Believer: Friend
4 – Protector: Parents
5 – Conduit: Children
6 – Guide: Spirit Guides
7 – Wisdom: Teacher/Master

With these 7 pillars, I am able to connect to my higher being, my vibration is increased by 10 fold instantaneously, and I can see the whole world as it is, all at once. This happens all in one thought during my meditative state. Forming this foundation takes a lot of skill, practice and understanding of you. While building your foundation, you must envision massive colorful energy beams that come from; the sun, moon, trees, water, and earth.  All of these beams are directly connect to your chakras, each one providing the energy needed to connect to each of the 7 pillars within your foundation. You must combine all that energy and send it out to each person on a pillar for the connection to be complete. Once this energy connection is accomplished, your meditative state is now deeper than ever thought possible. This crucial step was extremely important to understand my experience, since it held the key as to what happened next.

Millions of People – The Understanding of that Moment:

While still going through this massive rush of emotions, connecting to everyone I know, and while meditating to understand the implications of this wisdom, something happened that I was not expecting.

In a flash, my meditative archetype foundation showed me millions of faces all around the world, they saw me for who I was and what was happening. These individuals had also been searching for different truths in their life. They were ready to receive this knowledge. In one moment, millions of people worldwide suddenly felt every emotion I had experienced at all once. I saw them on their hands and knees also sensing and going through the exact thing I was going through, like I triggered this for them all at once.

It is one thing to have a moment that connects to you everyone you’ve ever known in one moment, and it’s entirely different to connect to millions of people you have never met in your life. But was strange about this moment, not a single person felt unfamiliar, like I had known them all my life. Have your ever met someone that you feel so connected, there’s a sense of warmth and truth about that person? Like you’ve known that person somehow, even though you just met them? I’m sure we’ve all met someone like that. These people are inner connected to our life, they are in essence a part of us, connected to our journey, and a stage of wisdom within that is to come.

Emotions Carry a Memory Imprint with them:

When I connected to these millions of familiar faces, I realized that we have many more of these “people” we meet, that feel we’ve known them all of our lives than we can even imagine, and now I know exactly why we do know them!!!

Remember previously when I said, each of our emotions we experience are also sensed by those who have known us? That whenever we feel; loneliness, sadness, hurt, love, being annoyed, etc… All of these emotions are instantaneously shared with people you know. Now we’re about to go a little further, these emotions also carry your memory imprints of how that emotion came to be.

So for example, when you have a moment of sadness, there’s an emotional imprint on that sadness of knowledge on how you experienced that sadness. This memory imprint into this emotion has now been passed along to the people you know. So in essence your experience, the wisdom of that experience is shared with those whom you know. Here’s where it gets very interesting, not only do the poeople you know now share that very same experience and wisdom, they too have instantaneously shared your emotional memory imprint with the people they’ve know in lives, and so on.

You see, the knowledge of our experiences and emotions are passed on to the entire planet almost instantaneously, everyone has now understood how you felt when you experienced that emotion, what you learned from it, and sometimes, what you still need to learn from it.

This is profound, it is now being understood around the world in ways humanity has never understood in the history of its existence!

For a long time now, scientists have been telling humans how we are all connected; energy is everywhere, connecting all things together. We are now as a species about to understand that not only do all of our actions is affect everyone, but our emotional learning experience is also teaching everyone at the same time. This is how we are changing.

The Human Shift – The Change Happening:

So many of us now know that we are changing, evolving into something better than ourselves. What I just experienced, what I just taught you, should ultimately change the way you treat every relationship and emotion from now on. Your actions on a daily basis, and emotions that come from them, are taught to the entire world instantly. Every time you’ve hurt or loved someone, those emotions and the wisdom imprints have been passed on from one, to another, to another.

We must learn from this, we MUST share this knowledge now. For if we don’t teach this knowledge and share it with everyone we know, we will have learned nothing at all. This world is desperate for change. Change of course, must come from within first, only then can you teach others. I’ve changed, oh boy trust me I’ve changed.

I leave you with this. If you’ve ever hurt someone in any way, or if someone has hurt you in any way, your wisdom of that experience stays with that person. We must move on, forgive ourselves to teaching this dreadful wisdom, we must also ask for forgiveness for giving that knowledge away, for if we don’t, humanity will continue to teach negative wisdomo each generation that passes.

Peace and love;
Martin R. Lemieux

Blog: http://myspiritualjournals.blogspot.ca/
FB Profile: https://www.facebook.com/martin.lemieux 

Martin R. Lemieux

The Year of Years

Resolutions for 2014!

By: Martin R. Lemieux

As we all reflect on this past year, one thing remains constant; growth was the main focus of the year for all of us globally. I’ve seen humans all around do things they would never of thought possible, while others have stood up for causes that in the past, might of not been noticed, or heard.

If you haven’t noticed a difference and shift in the world, I think it’s time you wake up! Look around you my friend, people are changing, and so should you too. The world needs you! If you think you’re safe in your own little home-bound bubble, think again. There isn’t a place on earth that cannot feel global changes happening all around us.

Tune in, be active, stay in the now, and keep up with changing times for the New Year.

Why New Year’s Resolutions Don’t Work:

We all make so many promises to ourselves all the time, not just on that one special day a year. Granted, even more so for our “new year’s resolution”, but why do you need a new year to promise to be; a better person, more caring soul, to help more people, to change inside, or to release the daemons within?

Notice I didn’t mention a single thing about; quitting smoking, getting thinner, or saving more money? Those menial things mean absolutely nothing to the soul, pretending that those things are going to make you happy is probably the root cause of your unhappiness in life. I’m here to tell you to let go of those things, and just use this New Year to reflect on how you can be a better person in 2014.

See we don’t need a new year to make promises to ourselves and to each other that we never intend on keeping! Instead, use that energy in something much more productive.

The Change Moving Forward:

On a sheet of blank paper, use a ruler to line out three separate columns equally. On the left, add “Things I’m not proud of:” in the middle, add “Things I will do differently:”, and finally on the right, add “How I will accomplish this!” With these three columns, write down all the events you wish to reflect on for 2013, which will go with you for 2014.

Do this and keep this paper with you everywhere you go. This one small sheet of paper is your commitment to yourself that will ensure you do not repeat the same mistakes in the New Year.

See a “new year” really is just a new day, except, we can distinguish it because of the parties, gatherings, cheers, and global events going on right in front of us. Aside from that, it’s just another day, so why then do we make this day even more different than the last? See in order for you to be a better person, be more successful, or to change your life around, this needs to be a daily event, not just something you promise yourself once a year.

Grow Your Connections:

One way to guarantee you change is to ensure that you change your environment around you. This year I promised myself that I would become more spiritual. In the matter of less than a year, I’ve made many, many connections all over the world. My contacts have exploded, and my network of friends has changed into something I never dreamed possible.

To change yourself, change your connections. Stop hanging around the losers that keep you, hold you back from being who you want to be. As I always say, and live by “either you change with me, or lose me to change!” < < < Such a profound statement, and one that takes a lot of courage to do.

For those of you who know me personally, know that I would give the shirt off my back to anyone who asked! My door is ALWAYS open! People are always welcome, but the minute you try to; pull me back, pull me down, bring me down, or make me feel bad, I will drop you like an old car waiting to be compressed into something new.

Sound a little harsh? Well is should and shouldn’t, since you control your happiness, no one else can. Connections you have in your life should enhance that happiness and joy, not suppress it. So as you go forth and create your list for the New Year, remember; possessions mean nothing, connections mean everything.

Namaste & Have a Happy New Year!
Martin R. Lemieux


Martin R. Lemieux