I have a dream

i-have-a-dream-18-728I have a dream of a world united in Love Care and Respect for Life , a Free World , free from Money , credit systems or any other kind of limiting or inequality system , a world that we all worked together for the good of the whole and put an end to anything that goes against the principles of LOVE CARE and RESPECT for LIFE

History is made by our actions , we write the book . I see many arguing about the history that has already been write as either fabricated and or injust as history has harmed life and goes against the principles of LOVE CARE and RESPECT there are many that would write more of the same , many that have fallen to hate by what history has passed , instead of learning that hate was made by actions of the past and to create more hate by actions of the present will nether make for a better future , only to create a better future for all life by turning away from what is write to write a new story of . LOVE CARE and RESPECT for all life .

There is a universal Law. of LOVE CARE and RESPECT for Life . ONE that man has turned a blind eye towards , by ignoring what goes against this Law , people feel they do not have the power to change the causes of what goes against the LAW , as a single entity one can only talk about this as a unified force we can demand this as a rite and the one true LAW that all other laws adhere to

time to make history is here as it always is , the time to make a start is now ,

The MOVEMENT of LOVE CARE and RESPECT for ALL LIFE is here , the time to make a stand is now , the time to create HISTORY the rite History A HISTORY BASED on the principle of LOVE CARE and RESPECT for ALL LIFE starts here

Make a stand Join the Movement of the universal LAW of LOVE CARE and RESPECT for LIFE , UNITE , ALL THAT STAND FOR THESE PRINCIPLES FOR LIVING , show your colours ,

I HAVE A DREAM of a world united under the principles for living , of LOVE CARE and RESPECT for LIFE ,
a FREE WORLD where we all work together for the good of the whole
Source: spiritualnetworks

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