Top 3 Tips For Thriving As An Empath


Being an empath isn’t always easy…

As an empath your natural intuitive ability will allow you to tune into how other people are feeling, and you can quickly get a sense of people and places just from being in proximity.

But if you’re like many empaths, rather than just noticing and being aware of how others are feeling, you may also tend to take on their energy and emotions.

If you’re an empath, staying true to your authentic vibration may be challenging with the feelings, beliefs, and emotions of others appearing on your radar (and if you’re like me the emotions of others can sometimes come through louder than your own).

Without practicing clear energetic boundaries the energy of others will easily cling to you and wreak havoc on your emotions, while also triggering physical symptoms, and throwing you out of alignment with your authentic truth.

This used to happen to me all the time. I would unknowingly mistake the emotions and feelings of others as my own. I didn’t know how to keep my energy clear, and so I would take on the pain energy, anger, and frustrations of others. This led me down a slippery slope and into a downward spiral of health challenges, depression, and low energy.

I am not alone in this either. Many intuitive and empaths experience health challenges as a result of their authentic vibration being clouded by the energy of others.

Feeling tired and drained, upset out of nowhere, and experiencing digestive issues, headaches, hormonal problems, anxiety, depression, leg or back pain and more, can all be caused by overloading your energy with the energy of others.

Being empathic is a wonderful spiritual gift… With healthy boundaries, and by learning a few important practices you can protect your energy field, while still receiving an abundance of insight and information through your empathic feeling sense.

If you’re still wondering if being empathic is worth it, I will tell you now that despite my early challenges as an empath I wouldn’t give it up or trade it away.

As an empath you’re able to deeply feel within the realms of spirit, experience the full vibration of angels, guides, and ascended masters, and receive accurate intuitive information in a way you can verify and validate through your empathic sense.

So how do you tune into the benefits of being empathic without having to deal with the struggle?

3 Tips For Thriving As An EmpathHere are three tips for Thriving as an Empath!

1. Practice Mindfulness

As an empath, when your thoughts are scattered, and your mind is busy, your energy will act like a magnet for the chaotic thoughts and frazzled energy of others.

A simple solution is to be present, and mindful of your physical body, which will help keep you anchored in your own energy.

For example, if you’re walking down the street or through a shopping mall, instead of letting your thoughts run out of control, bouncing between reviewing past events and wondering about future possibilities take control. Be fully present in the moment. Focus on each step you take and become aware that you are breathing. Be aware of each step you take.

Notice your feet touching the ground with each step you take or you can focus on being aware that you are breathing as you consciously guide each breath you take to flow throughout your entire body.

You may also benefit from practicing a form of walking meditation. I learned this technique from Thich Nhat Hahn and it has been incredibly powerful for keeping me in my own energy at times when my mind wants to wander.

As you walk, use a simple mantra that you think or say quietly in your mind with each step you take.

“Yes (take a step), yes (take a step), yes (take a step), thank you (take a step),, thank you (take a step), thank you (repeat)”.

Another sticking point for me was when talking with someone. Naturally, through focusing on another person in a conversation, I would start taking on his or her feelings, emotion, and energy. If this happens to you…

Practice listening to others while keeping a portion of your consciousness focused on your own physical body. Listen to what the other person is saying, but be aware of your hands, and how they feel, or how your feet feel pressed against the ground.

This simple awareness practice will help you to maintain your energy vibration, without taking on the emotion of others.

2. Cleanse and Shield Your Energy

Even if you’re a pro at practicing mindfulness, if you’re empathic you will likely still take on the energy of others at times. For this reason a regular practice of cleansing and shielding your energy is essential for all empaths.

A simple and effective way to do this is with white light. In the morning and before you go to bed, visualize a shower of Divine white light flowing all around you. Let the light wash away any negativity, tension, or stress, and let it wash away all energy that is not yours.

Allow the light of the Divine to flow in through the top of your head, down your spinal column and out through the bottom of your feet grounding you to the earth. Let the light flow in and all around you cleansing your mind, body, aura, spirit and emotions.

Breathe, and feel your energy becoming lighter and brighter as the Divine light restores your authentic vibration, and helps you to shine more of your authentic truth.

Once you’ve cleansed your energy in this way… Use Divine light again this time to shield your energy.
If you don’t use light to shield, you will likely absorb some of the energy, thoughts, emotions, feelings and negativity of others that you naturally tune into.

There are many ways to shield with light which you can learn more about here. One of my favorite and the most simple is to just imagine a pillar of Divine light all around you. This light protects your energy and keeps you from taking on the emotion and energy of others while allowing clear guidance, Divine light, and intuition to flow through and reach you.

Unfortunately, we can’t just put a shield on once and have it forever effective and in place… So be sure to cleanse and shield your energy daily… But if you do, it really works!

3. Relax and Retreat

Many empaths and intuitives are naturally introverts. This doesn’t mean we don’t like people, or that we’re socially awkward, it just means that after a period of social interaction, we usually need some time to retreat into our own space.

Empaths tune into the energy of others… So taking step back into your own private space where you can get clear about what you are really thinking and feeling is a good thing to do.

If you’re feeling confused and overwhelmed energetically… Take a time out for yourself. Cleanse and shield your energy and then go for a walk in nature, listen to a guided meditation, work on a craft or creative project, or do something else you love to regain your balance and return to your energy.

Some time to yourself is a great way to get clear about what energy is yours and if the feeling you’re tuning into is yours, or if it belongs to someone else.

Being an empath can be overwhelming and confusing if you’re getting mixed up what is yours and what is other peoples energy. But being an emapth also has a huge number of blessings!

Just be sure to take the time to maintain your energy using the tips above.

With practice and maintaining healthy boundaries as an empath you can maintain a high vibration, have plenty of energy, and be able to use your empathic gift to positively benefit your life and the lives of others.

With love, light and gratitude,

 Melanie Beckler

 Melanie Beckler is an internationally acclaimed best-selling author, channel, and founder of Her books, Angel Messages, Angel Courses and CD’s provide a direct link to the love, frequency & wisdom from the Angelic and Spiritual Realms for people around the world.

Although Melanie no longer offers private readings, she has several recommended partners who are available to help you get answers, right now!If you would like a one-on-one reading… Simply Click Here!

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