Love who your heart wants

 love-who-heart-wantsLove who your heart wants,

not what your eyes want.

Don’t worry about what others say or think,

This love is yours,

not theirs.

The heart wants what it wants. There’s no logic to these things. You meet someone and you fall in love and that’s that.

It ain’t the mind that calls the shots ’round here
When stronger powers pull two bodies near
Nothing on earth can interfere
When love is what the heart wants

from lyrics of a song by: Collin Raye

The Ultimate Guide to Following Your Heart

This post is a part of the Follow Your Heart series.

Would you like to follow your heart, but your mind or something else is stopping you?

Does it feel uncomfortable, uncertain, and maybe even confusing to follow your heart?

What you are experiencing is very normal and very common when you are beginning to follow your heart.

It is just the sign that you are heading in the right direction, because your mind and body are making adjustments to a new way of being and living.

Your mind wants proof that heart-centered living works. The only problem is that you won’t get proof until you start to follow your heart.

It will feel awkward and weird at first, like anything new, but once you see that your heart is leading you on exactly the path you need, your mind will automatically begin to trust.

The Battle Between Your Mind & Your Heart

When you’re a novice in heart-centered matters, it feels safer to follow your mind.

This sense of comfort is an illusion, because if you look at your past, you see that solely following your mind hasn’t helped you create the life you truly want.

This is what I discovered when I began listening to my heart. I was miserable, pessimistic and always proud of my impeccable “logic.”

Your heart, however, is connected to something bigger than you. You may call it spirit, the unconscious, god, higher-self, or the universe.

I don’t worry too much about what label to put on it. What I care about are the results it produces in my life.

The Art of Not-Knowing

This is not to say that you have to kill your mind, because it has its uses. It means that you aim for a more balanced approach.

Let your heart and mind integrate and work as a team. When you follow your heart more, and your mind sees the results, the integration will naturally occur.

However, you have to take that initial leap of faith to get the process going. We’ve been taught that we should know everything before we do anything.

We spend our whole lives avoiding the unknown, but the truth of the matter is that you don’t have to know everything to know enough.

You only have to know your next step, and the next step can be given to you by listening to your heart.

It may come as a gentle nudge, a thought, a feeling, or even a song on the radio.

How to Take Action and Acquire Proof

If you’ve been reading my articles for awhile, you already have some proof that heart-centered living works, and works well.

You’ve probably seen others follow their hearts. It looks good, but you may doubt your own abilities.

You may even look at other people living their passion and think that you would never be able to do that. They must have some kind of magical ability, right?

They must be better than you in some way. But they aren’t. They have simply learned how to listen to their hearts and move forward.

They aren’t fearless. They simply take things one day at a time, one step at a time. They feel fear, overwhelm, and confusion, just like you.

The difference is that they have developed the trust in themselves, just like you are doing right now, to overcome fears and work with them.

The fact that you are feeling what you are feeling now is a sign that you are heading in the right direction, because “negative” feelings will always be there to greet you when you embark on a path worth traveling.

Always remember that.

How to Follow Your Heart

I can’t give you the exact steps for following your heart, because your signals will differ from mine, but what I can do is share what my experiences have been.

Most people overlook messages from their heart because they are looking in the wrong direction. If you focus on the grass on the ground, you will miss the birds above.

Keep your eyes open and your focus wide, because you never know where your heart will nudge you.

One of the main ways that I follow my heart is simply by noticing my feelings. To put this into concrete terms, someone may contact me about doing a business partnership.

What I’ll do is stay open and notice how things feel. Most of the time it won’t feel right, or something will feel off, so I either say no, or decide to wait.

Sometimes I’ll feel uncertain. In that case, I’ll explore the opportunity further and see how things go and how they feel.

Now, I’ll also use my mind to assess things, such as if I have time, if I want to do this, and so on. There’s never any rush to jump into an opportunity, even if it may seem like it.

There will always be enough opportunities. Saying no doesn’t mean missing out, because there will be other trains coming along.

And remember, this is just how it works for me. It’s up to you to experiment with how your body communicates with you.

Being Right is Not the Goal

I do my best to trust my heart, but sometimes the feelings and nudges I get aren’t authentic.

By that I mean that I can misinterpret what they are all about. Sometimes the messages from my heart can be clouded by the emotions I feel inside.

And I’m okay with that. I know that I won’t get it right all the time, and this small amount of uncertainty adds a bit of spice to my life.

Sometimes it’s fun, and sometimes it isn’t. It’s all a part of the game we call life.

The more you follow your heart, the better you get at it. It’s like with anything else;it’s not about being perfect, it’s about learning and trusting the process.

That’s the way I see it.

You won’t always be right, but you will always be heading in the right direction, even when you feel like you’re not.

Your Life is Changing

The fact that you’re reading this means that something inside of you is looking for a change. You are already changing inside, and you can feel it, can’t you?

This happened to me in my late teens. I knew that I wasn’t heading in the right direction. Something had to change, and it did.

It didn’t happen overnight, but as I put one foot in front of the other, change took place, and I discovered what passionate living is all about.

And while you may feel confused from time to time, know that it’s just a sign that you are growing and evolving in the best way for you.

If you’d like to know more about living a heart-centered life, check out my book by clicking the cover above to learn more.

There’s a reason why you’ve read this article. Something resonates with you, and you may not even know what it is, and that’s okay.

The positive feeling inside is a message from your heart.

It’s a sign that you’re already following your heart. You’re already on the right path.

You already have what it takes to live a heart-based life.

Now it’s up to you to expand how much you listen to you heart, and that can only happen through listening and experimenting.



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