Thoughts and Words in Our Lives

Our thoughts, as well as the words we use in our everyday lives help create our lives.

When I first came upon the scripture from Proverbs “As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he” I truly did not understand that concept.

It was in recent years that I came to realize how true it was and how we create our lives through our thoughts. Our thoughts and words affect our lives.

The words we use when we talk with others as well as the thoughts we have on a regular basis can help create stress in our lives, or help create inner peace.

Just by shifting our awareness and letting go of any negative perspective of the energy surrounding our thoughts and words, we can have more happiness and inner peace in our lives.

I think we all have times in our lives where we have something going on that we would like to have be different.

I think it is also normal for us as humans to worry and think about different scenarios or possible negative events in our lives.

When we worry, it is like negative prayer and asking God to bring that into our lives.It is important for us to pray in a positive way, asking for that which we desire in our lives. Our subconscious mind, that part of us that is close to God, is always working to help us create our lives.

When we complain, or allow ourselves to get in a state of fear or judgement of others, we create more fear, judgement and chaos in our own lives.

Can we really change our thoughts and our lives?

Absolutely! A technique I find really helpful is to change the thoughts; that is to replace a thought that I feel does not serve me with a similar thought from a more balanced or spiritual perspective. Just a simple shift in awareness helps me to move into a space of kindness and love. And as such, I immediately feel better. And that energy also affects others and I attract love and goodness back into my own life. By a shift in awareness, we can reprogram our subconscious mind to think better thoughts.

Another of my favorite things is to take time daily, even if it is just five minutes to be grateful for the good in my life and to make a list of the things I am grateful for in my life. Gratitude has a way of opening doors in our lives. A simple shift in our awareness can be so helpful in our lives.

I know I have talked about meditation so often. Meditation is one more discipline I love to do as it always seems to help me stay more in balance and release that which does not serve me. It helps connect me to my inner self, that part of me that is close to God and to know that I am much more than that going on around me. It provides a deep level of inner peace.

And of course, doing things to feed our spirits, and taking time to do things we truly enjoy. When we are not taking care of ourselves at our core, it makes it more difficult to stay in a place of love and feel good, which always equates to our thoughts and feelings about others. Everything starts from within.. When we hear about negative events in our lives, rather than being in a place of fear or upset, when we practice compassion and empathy for others, it helps us to shift our awareness.

One of my favorite things to do is to take a moment to say a prayer or send love to a party who has been injured in some way. When we take time to get our mindset in a good place, it will affect every area of our life. I know in my own life when I make time on a regular basis to do things to help me shift my thoughts and speech, I always feel better, about myself and about my life and the happenings in my life. I tend not to be as judgmental and have more understanding and compassion for others and their challenges, realizing that they are doing the best they know how to do in any given moment. All of these things are helpful to help us shift our thoughts and words, as well as our feelings. And as we resonate a vibration of love and goodness, we will always receive back more love and goodness in our lives and our lives with truly change.

Peace and infinite blessings to you!


My name is Rhonda Marie Brackett and I am a spiritual life guide, mentor and coach who loves helping others experience inner peace, joy and happiness and heal their life. I hope you find my blog helpful and inspiring in your own life journey. Should you find my blog helpful, please comment, like or share. You can also visit me at 

Source: spiritualnetworks 

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