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Traits of a strong mom

8 True Traits of a Strong Mom

We’re not talking “Tiger Mom” here, where intense focus is directed at excellence in child performance. Rather, what signs indicate maternal prowess that is, simply put, strong? Buy an “Intelligence is sexy” t-shirt! I confess to bias.  I think  more often than not, “strong Mom” or “strong woman” is, well,  redundant. Still, I’m curious to discover common behaviors that inform parenting rich with core values. Some maternal influence that cultivates character. So let’s call them  instead, “ mindful Moms”,  present,  far from perfect,  compelled by Mama Love. 1. Mindful Moms have confidence in themselves, and naturally encourage the unique individual within

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3 steps to form a new habit

3 Steps to Form a New Habit

Despite how hard won some personal habits feel, it can be surprisingly easy to acquire new ones. First, let’s define “habit” as a behavior pattern established by frequent repetition that shows up regularly and, often, involuntarily.  We all have them, the mindless glance at a smartphone when it alerts, or turning on TV right after supper, habits we’d like to change. Buy an “Intelligence is sexy” t-shirt!    So, let’s dissect a habit. There are 3 components:  1-a “cue”, or trigger that tells your brain to go into autopilot and engage the behavior; 2– a “routine” which is the behavior

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Do noothing today. Heres why

Do Nothing Today, Here’s Why

Most of us live incredibly cluttered and fast-paced lives, driven by the need to be productive, accomplished, and forever moving forward. What would happen, though, if we decided to take a time-out? Many of us get anxiety just thinking about it – the prospect of falling behind, slowing down, or even failing. However, taking a break might, in actuality, help you to come back stronger and sharper than ever before. Alan Cohen once said “There is virtue in work and there is virtue in rest. Use both and overlook neither.” Most of us can accept the wisdom in these words,

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Five selfish reasons to do good

Five Selfish Reasons to Do Good

Have you ever noticed that people who engage in volunteer work seem super happy – maybe even obnoxiously so? Well, according to science, they actually do have plenty to smile about. Doing a good deed helps not only the beneficiary, but the humanitarian as well. Here are five reasons why engaging in service work can benefit us all: Buy an “Intelligence is sexy” t-shirt! Altruism Boosts Your Mental Health BMC Public Health analyzed a myriad of studies and found that volunteering mitigated depression, increased life satisfaction, and had an overall positive effect on the study participants’ sense of well-being. This

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There is a basic difference between a headache and a migraine.

What Is the Difference between a Headache and a Migraine and How to Prevent Both?

There is a basic difference between a headache and a migraine. Almost all of us experience a headache from time to time, which is a normal thing and can be caused by various relatively harmless and understandable things, such as tiredness or an extra glass of wine the night before. When you are experiencing pressure […]

How to Instantly Calm Yourself in Stressful Situations

How to Instantly Calm Yourself in Stressful Situations

“Between stimulus and response, there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom.” ~Victor Frankl

There’s a big lie we tell ourselves during stressful times.

It …

The post How to Instantly Calm Yourself in Stressful Situations appeared first on Tiny Buddha.

People with anxiety seem to need more personal space, even more so than everybody else.

People with Anxiety Need More Personal Space Than Everybody Else, Studies Show

People with anxiety seem to need more personal space, even more so than everybody else. Do you have anxiety? Well, you may have noticed that you need lots of personal space. Let me approach this with an example of what your personal space is and represents with your safety. For example, personal space is sometimes […]

Bald Men Are More Attractive According To Science

Bald Men Are More Attractive According To Science

To the relief of my very bald husband, a recent scientific study found that hairless men are perceived to be more masculine, powerful, and dominant than their furry-headed counterparts. In his paper titled Shorn Scalps and Perceptions of Male Dominance, Albert E. Mannes of the University of Pennsylvania details three studies he conducted, all of which suggest that men with no hair may be seen as not only more powerful and influential, but also stronger, taller, and better leaders. Buy an “Intelligence is sexy” t-shirt! Here are the questions that Mannes sought to answer, and his surprising findings: Does a

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6 Ways Heartache Pain and Loss Can Make You Better

6 Ways Heartache Pain and Loss Can Make You Better

Not long ago my Mom passed.  Unexpectedly, 2 short weeks later,  my younger brother joined her.  Bereft,  I was suddenly adrift, my moorings gone.  How to belong in a world with mother and brother sized holes?  Sleepless, I walked, and walked. Or, crashed for 8, 10, 12 hours. Grief morphed into guilt, anger, cynicism, bewilderment. Socially inept, I lay low.  In my brother’s flannel shirt, I curled under Mom’s soft brown throw and convulsed with tears.  Each salt trail marked a sacred path, a new road named “Goodbye.” Buy an “Intelligence is sexy” t-shirt! I moved furniture, rearranged with neurotic

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Empaths be like

Empaths be like:- I dont listen to your words. I listen to your use of words, your tone, your body movements, your eyes, your sublte...